2019, I'm Coming for Ya


I've never actually written down New Year's resolutions, but I thought writing this blog post could be a way to keep me accountable. There's a lot of things I want to accomplish, and 2018 has shown me that one year is a longgggg time to do things. For real. 2018 felt like it lasted about 5 years. So with 2019, I'm certain I can accomplish at least one of these things, right?

Read at Least 12 Books in Total

This has been a goal in my head that I've been thinking about for a while now. Someone I follow on Instagram tracked her reading throughout 2018 and ended up reading over 100 books! I was genuinely so impressed that someone in college with a busy life just like me took time out of her day everyday just to read even just a little bit. So I knew that reading 12 books in 12 months was a reasonable goal for me. The older I get, the less I seem to read which is horrible. I've always loved reading, and I still do! I just need to carve out time to do the things I love. No more excuses! 

I was going to start out the year reading American Housewife Stories by Helen Ellis (a Christmas gift from my friend Cece), but I can't seem to find it anywhere, lol sorry Cece. So instead, I'm going to search my childhood house and see what looks interesting. I'll keep you posted on my Instagram, @sabrinaendsley, as well as a new section on my blog that is currently in the works but will be updated when my first book is all read!

Cook a Homemade Dish Once a Month

I was lucky this year to have been gifted two different cookbooks from my sister Carmen, who jumped on the cooking train in 2018. One of them being Ranch: An Ode to America's Beloved Sauce in 60 Mouth-Watering Recipes by Abby Reisner and the other being How to Feed Yourself: When You Don't Know What You're Doing by Spoon University. Two very great cookbooks for me: a young, dumb, very inexperienced cook. Hopefully, I can go from only cooking riceroni to cooking genuinely good and healthy meals by the end of 2019! I'll be documenting it all on my food Instagram, @sabrinaeatsfood.

Be More Active about ThingsI Believe In

I have been what I would call an active bystander about the things happening around us in the world, but I don't think it's enough. The 2018 midterm elections showed me that I am not as knowledgeable as I would like to be, and I hope to change that this year. I want to be more outspoken, more educated, and more understanding about the world around me! I want to be able to eloquently speak about topics I am passionate about so I can spread knowledge and bring acknowledgement to our country and the world.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Yes, I guess you could compare my diet with one of a picky 10 year old. I like to blame it on being in college and being "too busy to make real food," but let's be honest, it's just because I'm lazy and hot cheetos taste better than asparagus. In 2019, I want to be more conscious of the amount of fruits and vegetables I'm eating because I think in November I ate about 3 apples, and that was about it. I've already eaten 2 clementines and it's only the first day of January, so I guess you could say I'm winning.

Learn a New Physical Skill

I'm excited to see what I will end up doing fitness-wise this year! Coley is always trying to get me to start climbing and that's something I think I'll make happen this year. My friend Lexi is starting a new dance company at college where I'll be Vice President of Finance, and I'm excited to start to learn new forms of dance. All I know is that I want to stay active, learn new skills, and not break any bones or have concussions! Also, I really want abs so I guess we'll see about that at the end of December 2019 lmaoo.

Keep Blogging

I accomplished a goal that has been on my mental list for a while now in October of 2018. I started this blog and started to write again! I don't want this to be a forgotten project. Blog posts will continue to come to you whether you ask for them or not, and I will continue to be in touch with the humanities throughout 2019! 

Hopefully whoever is reading this now will stick around long enough to see if I'm successful or not. It's taken time to truly understand that New Year's resolutions have to be doable, so this is my list of doable things. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy New Year!

All the Best, Sabrina